Introverts or social phobia? 2 much for a lifetime


Social anxiety is a common problem that can be difficult to overcome. It’s important to know how to treat social anxiety if you are suffering from it.

What is social phobia?

Social phobia is an anxiety disorder that makes you afraid of being judged or rejected in social situations.

If you have social phobia, you may be anxious about going to parties or events where other people are present. You may also feel uncomfortable even when there are only one or two people around who know you well—and they’re not critical of your behavior (e.g., “You’re late!”). And even if the situation is perfectly safe, it can still trigger intense fear and worry because the thought of being unable to perform well causes distress in your mind.

Symptoms include:

  • Fearful anticipation before entering social situations that might trigger panic attacks and/or avoidance behaviors such as avoiding eye contact with others at all costs is one robust sign of social phobia.
  • Avoidance behaviors such as avoiding eye contact with others at all costs; pacing around while talking on the phone; hiding behind furniture when meeting new people  is sign of social phobia.

Social phobia vs social anxiety

Social phobia is a serious psychological disorder that can be hard to treat. It involves a fear of social situations or public speaking. Social anxiety  is a less severe form of social phobia. People with social anxiety may feel uncomfortable when they are in certain social situations, such as parties and public speaking.

What are the symptoms of social anxiety?

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The symptoms of social anxiety can be divided into two categories:

  • Fear of speaking in public may be a sign of social phobia.
  • Fear of meeting new people may be a sign of social phobia.

In simple terms, this means that you are self-conscious and embarrassed when it comes to interactions with other people. You may experience physical symptoms such as blushing or sweating when being around others, or mental ones such as feeling like everything is “on the line” when talking to someone for the first time.

Type of social anxiety

At times it is normal to be anxious. Anxiety has a protective role. It allows us to take precautions, and it can even save our lives.

But when anxiety is a problem for you, it can feel like you’re being pulled in many different directions at once. You worry about every little thing that could go wrong: what if I’m late for work? What if I trip on the stairs? What if I forget my lunch today?

Anxiety makes you feel like there’s no way out of your own head—and that’s not fun!

There are two types of social anxiety: generalized social anxiety and specific social anxiety. The first is the most common type and occurs when your anxiety makes you avoid social situations altogether. You might not go out with friends or even leave your house without someone else with you. Generalized social anxiety often involves physical symptoms like shaking or sweating, but it can also include mental symptoms like feeling nervous or fearful (like having a knot in your stomach). Specific social anxiety is when your social fears are so intense that they actually incapacitate you—you feel so scared that they prevent you from doing anything at all (including speaking).

Root cause of social anxiety

There are many factors that can contribute to social anxiety. For example, genetics play a role in the development of social phobia. This means that some people are born with a tendency towards being nervous or uncomfortable around new people, whereas others aren’t.

Another environmental factor is how much attention you pay to other people’s behavior during interactions with them (such as smiling back at someone who smiles at you). If you feel like your friends notice everything about what you’re doing and say—and then comment on it—it might be difficult for you to relax around them.

A combination of these factors may cause someone’s initial reaction towards others’ reactions not match up with reality—so they might think their reaction doesn’t matter when it actually does!

Social Phobia Test

There is no lab test for social phobia. The cause of social phobia is a combination of biological and environmental factors. One biological aspect is the patient’s sensitivity to social stimuli, which can trigger an acute panic response. The other factor is that the brain may have developed a fear response when it perceives that there is a threat or danger present. This fear response results in an avoidance of or escape from the feared situation.


Medical Treatment for social anxiety

You can also consider treatment for social anxiety. Psychotherapy and medication are both available options, but they can be expensive, so you’ll want to make sure this is something that’s right for your budget. If you’re interested in medication as a way to treat your social anxiety, there are several different kinds of antidepressants available that might work well for you:

  • SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors): This type of antidepressant works by increasing levels of serotonin in the brain which helps reduce symptoms like depression and anxiety. There are many different brands out there but Zoloft has been shown in clinical studies to help people with social phobia improve their ability to form relationships with others

Psychological treatment of social anxiety

When you’re trying to treat social phobia, you want to look for the best psychologist. A good psychologist can help you get over your social anxiety by helping you understand your thoughts and behaviors, and then teach you how to change them.

The best way to find a good psychologist is by asking friends or family members who they use or what they like about them. You can also look through reviews on websites like Yelp and Google, or ask around at your community college.

People who struggle with social anxiety can seek treatment for it in a variety of ways.


There are a variety of ways that people who struggle with social anxiety can seek treatment for it. Psychologists and psychiatrists are usually the first choice for those who want professional help. Medications may also be prescribed if your doctor thinks they will help you cope better with anxiety, especially if you have tried medication before and were not satisfied with the results. If you don’t want to take medication or see someone regularly in person, self-help books and videos might be an option for you as well.

If none of these options seems right for your needs then there are other options available that do not require any special training: online therapy is one example; some people prefer video chat instead (this method allows them to talk directly into another person’s face).


Social anxiety can be a difficult condition to live with. It can cause you to isolate yourself from others, which is dangerous for your mental health and even increases the chances of becoming depressed. If you’re struggling with social anxiety, there are many ways you can seek treatment and learn how to cope with this condition on your own. The first step towards recovery is recognizing that you have a problem and seeking help as soon as possible.


Further Study

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