Positive Psychology

Psychological Counseling

Can we do psychological counseling in india without any psychology course in 2021?

We need to understand the fundamental question “What is  Psychological Counseling?”   As APA defines: “Counseling is a learning-oriented process, carried on in a simple, one-to-one social environment, in which a counselor, professionally competent in relevant psychological skills and knowledge, seeks to assist the client, by methods appropriate to the latter’s needs and within the …

Can we do psychological counseling in india without any psychology course in 2021? Read More »


5 Major disadvantages of sadness! 5 ways to handle them!

Sadness is a universal human emotion. Any event which is unpleasantly overwhelming can lead to sadness. There is no person in the universe who has never felt sadness in his/her life span. A reactive sadness is transient in nature and improves with time. But there are people who are “Sad” always. They go through various disadvantages in life due to this persistent sadness